Your Core Value


What is a core value? 

Sounds like an easy concept to grasp right? Core means ‘center’ or even ‘at the heart’. Value means (besides defining worth) ‘standards of behavior’ Or ‘principle’. Together it’s pretty self explanatory: the standards of behavior that is at the heart of who you are. 

You may have heard of core values in mission statements of businesses. The reason for having core values in a business is the same reason as to why you should know your personal core value. 

Within a business, defining core values makes the employees accountable to uphold their employers’ behavior and truly deliver what the business says it’s going to deliver. This is the same for you, in your life. 

You may not have your personal core values clarified or defined just yet, but you probably are already living it. For instance, you may love to give. Giving your time, talents, or even money to charitable causes is extremely important to you. You may volunteer for a local non-profit because you believe in philanthropy and giving. That is an example of a personal core value. 


What happens when life happens? 

Life loves throwing curve balls at us. It loves throwing challenges and issues and moments where we question our own values. Well, it’s natural and so are moral dilemmas. They happen throughout each one of our lives. It just depends on how we continue to tackle the issues. 

Moral dilemmas are uncomfortable and can harm relationships but they are necessary to help continue to shape each one of our core values. The more you’re thrown into moral dilemmas the more you tend to be prepared for issues. Your core values become more pronounced and tailored to you. You become more comfortable with decisions you make thanks to these uncomfortable circumstances. 

Value incongruence can be a more lasting issue. It’s when your behavior is not consistent with your defined core value. Research talks a lot about value incongruence in business. For instance, what happens if you work for a company that has a completely different set of core values than you? Would you like working for them? Probably not. You probably wouldn’t have the same motivation working for them if they didn’t believe in the same things that you do. 

Same goes for your personal core values. If you don’t know your core values or you’re not aligning with them, you probably wouldn’t feel motivated in life. 

You may feel physically drained, stressed, or consistently have lack of sleep. There’s lack of control at times and irritability. You may try to fix the misalignment with something you can control like how much and what you eat. You may feel anxious and guilty. 

Not clearly identifying those values could actually make you start acting the opposite and become more misaligned. You’re no longer blossoming as an individual and you struggle to grow. 

To help you clarify your values, and find your motivation, Kerri is offering a FREE 5 Day Mindset Training that involves diving deep and defining your core values. 

This mindset training will help you clarify what those core values are and create a foundation to help re-align your beliefs and actions to help you on your way to a healthy life. 

This opportunity may not happen again so register by September 28th to claim your spot! 


How to change your life in just 5 days.


Even potheads have good intentions.