Live More Blog

Viewing the past, present, and future of health & wellness. What worked, what didn’t, and what was learned from personal experiences. Discover how you can take these words, relate to them, and make changes in your own life to be able to live more confidently, live more freely, and simply, Live More.

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Kerri Wilson Kerri Wilson

Gratitude, Appreciation & Guilt

"At one point in time, all of these things were simply dreams. Things I wished for. Things I thought I would never see in my lifetime. Kids who didn’t have to carry the burden of poverty? A career that allows me to be flexible, let alone do things my way? A relationship that isn’t full of screaming and insults and abuse? A body that has found the things that care for it best, like tweaking my diet for what my body actually requires and ways to move with intention and purpose that don’t feel like torture? Absolutely WILD that these have come to fruition.

NONE of this was easy to come by. This is the result of years and years of one step forward, three steps back…trial and error…learning and unlearning…shifting and pivoting and for this anxious person, that might be the hardest part. Three things that kept me going:"

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Kerri Wilson Kerri Wilson

Yikes. Also, hello. I’ve missed you.

It’s been about two years since I wrote a blog post. It’s been over a year since I did anything with my website, and it’s been just over 6 months since I got back to Living More.

Where have I been?

The shortest version of this requires me being totally vulnerable and admitting some things that aren’t easy.

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Kerri Wilson Kerri Wilson

The Power of Rituals

When we perform the same set of actions, say the same words, use the same objects or even the same gestures in the same sequence, this is what we consider a ritual. The key to creating meaningful, positive habits is through rituals.

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Confidence Despite Trauma

Before you read any further, please know that this blog post contains topic matters that may be upsetting to some. Abuse and other childhood trauma are key parts of this blog, so please take care while reading.

If you or someone you know is being abused, please call 1.800.799.SAFE (7233) for domestic abuse or 1.800.4-A-CHILD (22.4453) for child abuse.

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Kerri Wilson Kerri Wilson

Mish Mosh Applesauce

It is literally after 9pm Sunday evening and I have yet to be able to narrow down this blog post to one topic. This is a direct result of my failure to plan all the way through my vacation, as well as a duplication of pre-planned topics due to my rushing to get things done.

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