Focus Words

New Year’s Resolutions…do you make them?

Do you follow through on them?

Me neither.

What I’ve started doing is choosing a focus word for the year. This apparently has become a “thing”, so I’m thrilled to finally be in the cool kids club.

Anyway, my word for 2020 was “strong”. My goal was to increase my strength in all aspects of my life; physical, emotional, intellectual, financial, environmental, even spiritual. While I’m not at the point where I’m ready to say that I’ve become as strong as I’d like in all these areas, I do notice that I’ve made improvements throughout the year.

Things I’ve learned about myself this year:

  • I’m not cut out to be a stay at home mom

  • A great chiropractor and massage therapist in my life make a world of difference in my rehab process

  • My stress actually does manifest physically

  • Dairy and sugar make me feel like shit, not just that I think they do

  • Alcohol affects my sleep far more than I ever thought

  • I am capable of improving my credit; it isn’t hopeless

  • Becoming the home electricity police is a must when doing virtual learning and working from home

  • People still like me and my woo-woo beliefs

  • My emotional health depends on the perfect cocktail of quality sleep, the right temperature, the food I’m eating, and the energy I surround myself with

  • Building a business during a pandemic is a great way to test all of these things

For the year 2021 the word “Spirit” kept coming to me as my focus word…but something was missing.

So, I did a mini reading for myself to find the deeper answer.

What came up for me was Ant (patience), Turkey (give-away), Spider (weaving), and Elk (stamina). After reflecting on this for awhile, the word came to me.


My word for 2021 is “Energy”. I am going to create fresh, positive, radiant energy. I am going to surround myself with energy that feels good to me. I am going to deflect negative energy. I am going to exude the energy of the woman I strive to be. Finally, I am going to create the year I want with the energy I create.

Energy is a tool. Energy is going to be my main currency for 2021.

So, what’s your word?

Would you like a reading to help you find one and help you develop a plan to incorporate that word into your year?


Mish Mosh Applesauce


The Holidays Really Don’t Have to Suck