You have diabetes.
You’re prediabetic.
You have insulin resistance.
If you don’t lose weight, you’re on the road to any of these.

Sound familiar?

If I know anything, its that I know these feelings…because it isn’t just one feeling, is it?

I have had gestational diabetes, been prediabetic, have had suspected insulin resistance, and have been told if I didn’t lose weight, I was going down one of these roads quickly.

And if you haven’t heard any of these words yet but you want to get your sugar cravings under control before you do, keep reading!

Lack of direction, education, and REAL guidance that doesn’t feel overwhelming, expensive, and like a major life overhaul…are you getting any of that?!

Probably not, which is why you’re here. You’re feeling lost or even like your doctor just isn’t understanding that you don’t have a hidden bank account somewhere to pay for all the extra costs. You may have even gotten some basic direction but it feels like a cookie cutter approach and just doesn’t seem doable.

Invest 2 hours of your time - bring your spouse or significant other, your kiddos, or whomever else you need. (If they aren’t on board, we’ll talk about how to do this successfully with the support you do have.)

We’ll drop the b.s. you’ve heard and cut right to the truths.

You’ll learn how to read nutrition and ingredient labels in a way that makes sense for you.

You’ll learn how to easily count carbohydrates (because yes, you still need them), protein, fat, and other nutrients to get your blood sugar back on track.

You’ll learn how to choose the best times to eat, when to eat, and we’ll work together to help you find foods you like to eat!

You’ll learn how to grocery shop on a budget, how to find the best bang for your buck and still stay within your nutritional needs.

We’ll go over blood sugar testing (if that’s what you’re doing), the how, when, and why and create a plan that works for your life.

You’ll even learn how to get FREE insulin!

You’ll find yourself leaving with information that is useful, practical, and achievable!

If you follow the personalized plan, you’ll start to drop the other b.s. (your blood sugar), enjoy less cravings, fat loss, more energy, and a renewed sense of accomplishment!