The Power of Rituals

Think about everything you have done so far today. How much of that list are things that you do every single day?

How much do you even remember doing?

When we perform the same set of actions, say the same words, use the same objects or even the same gestures in the same sequence, this is what we consider a ritual. The key to creating meaningful, positive habits is through rituals.

Why should we be thinking about rituals? Rituals give us a sense that we are in charge, and add meaning to the small things that make up our daily lives. Rituals can bring us joy. Rituals can also help to relieve anxiety about a situation. Have you ever carried a rabbit’s foot, crossed your fingers for luck, or worn your lucky earrings for an interview? These kinds of things could be considered rituals for certain situations.

If you want to make a significant change in your life, it must come from an internal drive to do so. External motivation is temporary and will not change you long term. Your soul must be aching for this change; change is non-negotiable. This is when rituals come into play.

When we are talking about things like religion, sports, or even politics, rituals can almost seem like the foundation for most religions. Every single organized religion has rituals; Catholics take communion, Jews sit shiva, Taoists meditate. Baseball players are very well known for their rituals; I have given Ryan Braun of the Milwaukee Brewers the nickname “The Wind Monster” because every time he steps up to the plate he adjusts his gloves, digs in, takes a deep breath, and blows it out with every muscle in his face. Even the swearing-in of a new president is rich with rituals. It’s very easy to see the meaning and significance behind these rituals that bring joy to people.

But when we start talking about rituals in our own lives, it may be a little more difficult to discern between rituals and habits. The order in which you get ready in the morning is likely done without much thought or effort at this point. You probably shower, brush your teeth, get dressed because you have to, not because it is helping you reach a long term goal of growth. These are habits. If you think about your morning journaling, however, this could be considered a ritual because it is serving you in a way that brings meaning and joy to your life.

But what do you do on a daily basis that could be considered a ritual? Do you journal? Perhaps you exercise. Maybe you put on your personal power playlist every morning while you shower. These things are very much rituals that add meaning and purpose, involving your full attention and emotions.

If we don’t have any of these rituals in our lives, how can we start?

Think about how you appreciate things

Showing gratitude is a wonderful place to start building rituals into your daily life. Spending just a few minutes each morning or evening (or both) to write down 5 things/people you are grateful for is consistently shown to improve one’s emotional status. We can change ordinary things into meaningful actions with gratitude. Take a moment before you dig into your next meal to express gratitude to the plants and/or animals that brought this meal to your plate, for nourishing your body, and for feeding your soul with flavor.

Think about how to make your habits more joyful

Now we can consider your daily habits. Getting dressed is something you do every day, unless you’re working from home, but even then, changing your sweats on the daily isn’t a bad idea either. Taking this mundane task and adding some fun into it can transform it into something that adds joy. For instance, you could make a ritual out of wearing something yellow each Monday. Or a button-down shirt every Friday. Hair up Wednesdays. Wacky socks. Have fun with it!

Think about how to celebrate life

We celebrate birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and big personal wins regularly. But when is the last time you celebrated something like folding a fitted sheet on the first try? (Me: NEVER because this cannot be done.) When we’re thinking about our personal victories, we can often get lost in the number on the scale, hitting those long term goals, or even landing that big promotion we’ve been working really hard to get.

If we can start to celebrate the small stepping stones that get us there on the regular, this ritual makes life a little more enjoyable to do. For instance, if you have set a goal of losing 60 pounds, perhaps every 5 pounds you get to purchase a new top or you put a $20 bill away so that at the end you have saved $240 to treat yourself to new clothes or a day at the spa.

If there isn’t really anything you’re working toward right now, that’s okay! Why not just incorporate something special into a Wednesday evening? This could be as simple as having your favorite meal every Wednesday, or letting Wednesday be the night you treat yourself to puppy snuggles and a movie. Whatever you decide to do, it’s just about celebrating life.


Think about how you relate to your community

Collective rituals only take one person to start them. Why not you? Find your inner people connector and let your creativity soar! Start a community event, food or supply drive, or even a 5K for a charity. If that feels too daunting, start in your own bubble of friends and family. Host a game night once a month, a themed dinner party, or even just a low-key movie night. Having these rituals to look forward to builds a sense of community, and the opportunities to get creative, joy will ensue.

Rituals can help keep us productive, engaged, and motivated to get even the most mundane tasks completed. The key is to make sure that your rituals are fun, joyful, and meaningful for you, not simply mirroring someone else’s idea of what you should be doing.

When we start talking about adopting rituals to motivate us to become the healthier versions of ourselves, this can almost feel like just another thing we feel like we “should” be doing. However, remembering the four tips above ensures that you create rituals that have special meaning for you.

How can you start intentionally adding meaningful rituals into your life to bring you more joy?

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Yikes. Also, hello. I’ve missed you.


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