Mish Mosh Applesauce

It is literally after 9 pm Sunday evening and I have yet to be able to narrow down this blog post to one topic. This is a direct result of my failure to plan all the way through my vacation, as well as a duplication of pre-planned topics due to my rushing to get things done.

So, this post is going to be brief but chock-full of information on what’s going on, what to expect, and I promise I’ll get it together for next week. :)

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Week one of my “vacation” was spent recording almost 30 podcast interviews with different women all over the world. What I very quickly realized was that there are so many strong, powerful women out there doing amazing things to empower other women. If I aired just one interview a week, I’d have enough episodes to get through August…but the world would have to wait to hear all the opportunities to work with these brilliant women, and those brilliant women probably don’t want to be put on hold for 8 months either.

So, I decided to add 2 bonus episodes per month on Sundays, and I’m calling it the Sunday Energy Series. These interviews are a little bit shorter in length, but no less powerful than any of the others. Be sure to tune into the first one which aired on January 3rd with Juanita Corry Jackson, Transformational Vision Specialist.

The private Facebook group is already a pretty cool place to be, but I’m really excited about the growth I have planned for this year. I’m going to be offering at least one workshop per month, at no cost to members, with the intention of actually bringing more joy into our lives with actionable steps we can easily take. I’m also upping the game with the weekly challenges, backing off on the monthly ones, and really focusing on shorter, more manageable focus areas.

I’ve been fighting this one for a while, but I’m putting this in writing here and now, mostly for accountability. By February 1 I intend to have a YouTube channel up and running. Here I will host live interviews, free webinars, and whatever else I conjure up.

I am now offering animal medicine readings. If you’re looking for some guidance on choosing your focus word, looking for direction with a decision you have been wavering on, or even just wondering what to be paying attention to, let’s do a reading! This has been such an integral part of my life that I’m very eager to share with others.

I’m still offering this and will be taking applications again starting in February. If you’d like to apply, please send me an email at kerri@livemore.space.

So mish mosh applesauce. So many things. So many ways to help YOU.


Confidence Despite Trauma


Focus Words